The Farm Loop (4x) 6:18PM
5.5 miles in 1:02:09
846.09 calories
Playlist: Black Legend radio station on Pandora
1 10:30 10'30"/mi (I knew I went out to fast)
2 21:51 11'21"/mi (had to slow it down)
3 33:31 11'40"/mi (slower ...)
4 45:14 11'43"/mi (OK perfect!)
5 56:22 11'09"/mi (bring it home strong)
.5 1:02:09
First run in 2 months, didn't know how I would feel, really thought that maybe I should have just done 3, but decided to just go for it.
Felt very good afterwards, spent and tired but good. I think it has a lotto do with the trail being sand and being very forgiving.
Now its just a matter of keeping this going, and seeing where it goes.
And at the end of it all, this is what I had to look at.... just seems to put everything into perspective.
Sunset over The Farm |