Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Today's Run 3/24/2009

Today's Run was OUTSTANDING!!
After getting myself from the warm bed, I got ready and made my way out the house.

Oh yeah, it was 5:15 AM, out side temps were like 22-24 degrees (with windchill it was more like 15-16).

So after donning my new Garrity headlamp and looking like a running cyclops I went out for a nice 5.5 mile run. I kept a steady pace and as was plan, kept the heart rate around the mid 150s.

I figured it would be hard, but it wasn't, it was actually easy. The miles passed with no issues.

As a side note being the comic book geek that I am, I pretended to "zap" critters in the woods with my "light beam" LOL

I started the run listening to Adam 20, the Zen Runner and at the end of the show (#7) I heard my message to Adam played. Yeah!! It was pretty funny hearing myself, but sadly I wasn't the first caller and did not win the prize. Boo Hoo, Boo Hoo.

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