Sunday, August 5, 2007

Here we go again...different day, same result (Friday's run 8/3/2007)

Last Fridays run I just chalked up to going out late in the day, not being properly hydrated and being a little hungry.

See when its hot and humid, you sweat more. I big guy like me (190lbs) will sweat more than say some a 160lb runner. Your body can only absorb about 7 ounces of water per hour, even though you might be sweating out 2-3 pounds per hour. All this has a very big effect on performance. Once you start to dehydrate, it can get ugly. Taste some salt on you lips and its really getting bad. If you don't fuel up before either, now you have no fuel and no cooling, get the picture... not good.

This week was going to be different, I tried to eat something before my run, and thought I had hydrated. Plus I was going to take fluids with me. I took 20 oz of 1/4 Powerade and the rest water. I was ready....NOT!!!!

But you see, I already screwed up and invited my good running buddy Murphy along with me, by going out at 1:30 for my run. Murphy likes midday runs, he also likes to make sure that you don't bring enough fluid with you. The less prepared you are the better for him.

One thirty, that was the same time, I went out last Friday, and LSO (Life Sucking Orb aka the Sun) was essentially at full strength. Half a mile into the run, I was drenched already, feeling good but drenched. This run was not going to be good. Plan was for 10 miles, I don't think that will be in the plans. At least Murphy hopes so....

Lets take a look at the splits and where everything went downhill

  1. 9:52 ( OK too fast)
  2. 9:58 (uphill in this heat, I am way too fast, slow the F down)
  3. 10:00 (OK, your slowing down, not bad, this could be doable)
  4. 10:04 (nice job so far, keeping the pace very close)
  5. 13:36 (yeah the wheels came off, I had to walk for .5 mile, I hate to walk)
  6. 11:10 (uphill, take it easy, out of fluid, have to get to the Wawa for more)
  7. 12:51 (time include 2 minutes of being in Wawa getting more Powerade)
  8. 10:35 (just trying to get done, Powerade is helping)
  9. 2:35 (.25 mile)
OK, what did I learn, in really bad heat, nee more Powerade than water to replace electrolytes. I have to go very slowly. If I kept the first 4 miles at about 10:30 mpm, I think run would have gone better. Twenty ounces is not enough fluid for this heat (about 92 degrees), I also needed to have at least a liter of water in the hour leading up to my run.

But most importantly, I have to get the runs in early or late in the day, mid day is just way too hot. This might be the answer to these tough Friday runs.

Lets see what the weekend brings..

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