Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The search for Consistency

We all know that I have been struggling with consistency for the last couple of weeks.

I have tried everything, and bit by bit I am starting to find the path to fixing the issue.

After reading Amy Hunold-VanGundy's blog post yesterday, "Plan = Motivation" it dawned on me that I have not been following a schedule at all. I have just been going out and trying to run as many miles as possible.

Never mind the fact that I spent 2 months reading and trying to put together what I thought and still think to be a great training plan.

I used Bob Glover's book on running and revise his advanced runner training schedule. I believe it to be a solid plan that will get me to my goals.

But its doing me no good sitting there, not being followed.

My best training was when I was following Hal Higdon's Intermediate II program (slightly modified for some more miles) I followed it to about 90% of the time. There was mass improvement, and I was always finding a away to get the miles in. Once again, I followed it.

I need to get back to this, it is still not too late to salvage my spring race and start building for some great summer races.

But once again, having a training schedule is not doing me any good by not being followed.

The training plan is the foundation for my training and its either a case of follow it and have great success or don't follow it and crash and burn on race day. I have experienced the crash and burn, and I would rather not think about it. But history has a way of repeating itself, and if I don't start using my training plan as a map I am destined to get lost and and arrive very late at my final destination.

Amy got it right, you need a plan!

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