Thursday, January 3, 2008

Todays Run

OK, same like yesterday only instead of it being Brick it was Little Egg. Pretty well wore the same as yesterday, and it was cold, very cold.

I really have to learn to eat a little closer to running, as I was once again on the border of bonking.

My new shoes should be here tomorrow, and I cant wait to run in them.

Listened to Steve Runner's year end Ph-Dip episode, and a couple of observations:
  1. Steve is obsessed with that year old article in Slate. Personally the writer seems very ignorant, and really does not need anyone to give him any more credence. So to that affect, I will not be linking the article or even mentioning the idiot err I mean writers name. But I have this one plea.... "Steve, please let it go, let it go. Your better than that."
  2. Steve is one very funny pod-caster. I love the guy's show. Its well thought out, researched and produced. Its first rate. His opening are the best (Bonus: when he involves his son or stepson in the opening)
  3. The Running Legends (or one of his specials) shows are the best. To me his recap of Duel in the Sun was outstanding. I have that one saved and listen to it very frequently. I went out and read the book, and if I might be bold enough, I would recommend that you read the book and listen to the pod-cast after-wards. When ever I listen to it when I am running, I can feel a chill as if Alberto and Dick are chasing me down Commonwealth. Its outstanding!
  4. Steve, if you are reading this, one request (its my usual one) how about a running legends show on Carlos Lopes (my idol and fellow countryman)
  5. Steve, sincerely cares about all his listeners. And while he jokes there are only 10, if all thousands sent him an email he would read it and respond to it. He cares about his subscribers.

I do plan on probably doing a posting on the pod-casts I listen to, because I really do think that the media of pod-casting is a wonderful new media. It is essentially the new world equivalent of the penny pamphlets that helped to launch the Revolutionary War. I believe that pod-casts are helping to ignite the new media revolution that is currently in its infancy stage. Pod-casting, along with Blogging ( I intend to do a story on this as well) are shaping how we all deliver and receive our news and entertainment and considering a lot of the garbage that is out there and being pushed at us.

Sorry really didn't intend to go off on this tangent, but hey it was flowing.

I will say that I am very pleased with me getting out in this cold and running. Normally I would have wimped or at least jumped on the treadmill. Looks like maybe this might finally be the year where I turn that proverbial corner and finally get my running at the level it should be at.

Well thats it, stay tuned for more this ride is going to be exciting.

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