Tuesday, July 31, 2007


IT SUCKED, or at least part of it did!!

This is what I posted on today's daily over at http://www.runango.com/

Yesterday was a rest day, and absolutely did no running, even when the chance availed itself. My legs felt good after last week.But I just could not get out of the house this morning. When I finally did, I was smacked in the face with fog and humidity. Stumbled through a 11:00 first mile and was finding it hard to go any faster. I think I have to re-evaluate my calories. I am starting to think, I might just not be consuming enough. Slogged through second mile, third mile was OK, as was the fourth, and then it happened.

As I approached an intersection I came upon two other runners. One I see a lot, some guy who always seems to be running, in the rain, in the snow, in the heat. He wears a cotton tshirt old NB shoes and cotton socks. I guesstimated that he must put in close to 10-12 miles a day..everyday. But we always high five as we pass each other. One day when I have enough time I will probably tun around run with him and talk. The other guy looked to be trying to get into shape, he seemed to be slogging along. Long basketball type shorts and a cotton tank top with a marlin on the back. We were on opposite sides of the street and he was about 100 yards up in front. I figure that within a minute or so I should pass him. As I got closer he seemed to be picking up his pace and trying to stay ahead of me. I felt like a time trialist trying to pass his minuteman only to have him pick up some speed and make it difficult. This guy was trying to run faster to stay ahead of me. It looked at one point that he had half a step on me. After about a quarter mile of this, I decided to just pick up the pace, got a head and held the pace for the next 600 meters (according to Garmin my fastest pace was 5:46 and I have to assume it was at that point), by the time I made my right turn and took a sneak peak back, he was about 10 seconds back and looked to be sucking some serious wind. What would possess him to do that was beyond me. While Duel in the Sun it was not, it sure felt like it.My pace at this point is about 7:20, with about a mile left, I started to slow it down. Pace for mile 5 was about 7:59, which given the first two miles of my run I felt like crap, more then made up for it.

But I am starting to seriously have some real problems with the humidity; 85-90% at 5:30 AM is not a good.

I will probably try and get another run in later tonight, but fr now time to grab some breakfast.

Yes it was an exciting morning. Here are the splits:
  1. 11:00
  2. 10:09
  3. 9:51
  4. 9:33 (uphill)
  5. 7:59
  6. 4:42 (.5 mile)

Like I said before I can deal. I just need the weather to start cooperating.

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